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Research excellence

The MIR consortium is composed of over 25 international research establishments. MIR students have the possibility to conduct their thesis in collaboration with associate partners and can continue on to do a PhD.

MIR Partners, NTNU, UJI, IST – UL and UTLN are recognised specialists in the research domain of Marine and Maritime Intelligent Robotics and are involved in numerous international large scale research programmes.

The MIR programme is supported by EUMarineRobots, providing a one stop shop to EU Marine robotics research and PhD opportunities in the field.

The MIR academic associate partner network consists of international leaders in the fields of robotics, AI, marine science and maritime technologies.

MIR students have the possibility to travel to associate partner institutes and collaboratively conduct their thesis with them.

Be taught by leading scientists – Distinguished invited lecturers programme

Students during their studies will be taught by internationally distinguished experts and researchers in the field of marine and maritime intelligent robotics. MIR students will have the opportunity to learn and interact with leaders in the field, opening potential opportunities for further collaborations and PhD studies.

MIR students have the opportunity to travel and participate in the Annual international symposium and MIR championships.

From Outer Space to Ocean Space | NextGenIMR